How much income tax does an entreprises individuelle reel simplifié business pay?

· Viewed 1652 times

Following on from your answers on my enterprises individuelle aux reels simplifie business… as I will be going over the earnings limit for auto entrepreneur. I’m having difficulty understanding how much social charges I will pay and how much income tax I will pay.

  1. In your answer it was income tax is 46% of net profit. So what would be my social charges?
  2. Is there a percentage applied to my gross earnings for my social charges and how is this recuperated from the URSAFF, i.e. do I make a declaration online like for auto entrepreneur or will they send it to me?
  3. I realise my other options are EURL or SASU - would there be a fiscal advantage to creating a structure rather than staying as a enterprises individuelle?
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