How to add new husband to health cover?

· Viewed 1858 times

I am trying to find out for a friend the best way to add her new husband to the health regime she already has. She runs a small business under the regime real system and has her own carte vitale. I understand that if he becomes a conjoint collaborateur then extra money (2700euros) would need to be paid for him. So could he be added without additional payment as ayant droit to her card, or should he get a S1 form for the short term till he is 65 and have his own card and health cover, and then get a pensioners S1 for cover after that? Would be glad if you could explain the situation as I don’t really understand how these systems work very well.

I am covered by the auto-entrepreneur system and my husband is retired (71). If I close my business at the end of this year then can I return to CPAM using his S1 which also covers me? I am 56 at present.

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