How to become auto-entrepreneur in France with a PVT visa?

· Viewed 3192 times

I am a Canadian currently living in France with a Program Vacance Travail visa which is a working holiday visa that allows me to work in France for 1 year. I wish to start my photography business in France as an auto entrepreneur under artisan. I understand that I am required to have a titre de sejour to get my social security number. I am not sure if this is possible for me as it is only a 1 year working holiday visa. I wish to know if it is possible to get my SIREN number and SIRET number with my working holiday visa in place of titre de sejour to start a business.

According to this forum, the last response seems to show that it is possible to use my working holiday visa in the place of my titre de sejour. Can you confirm this?

I will also be getting married in France this year and I will be applying for a long term visa in the future. If I can get auto-entrepreneur status with my PVT visa, what happens when I change status to a longer visa and get a titre de sejour? Will it be a complicated transition? Should I pursue the titre de sejour further before I start a business in France, or do you think my working holiday visa will suffice?

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