How to calculate earnings as an auto-entrepreneur business?
· Viewed 1298 times
As an auto-entrepreneur (profession liberale) registered business in France, as I understand I do not pay myself a salary or dividends as for the entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée (EURL). Instead, for auto-entrepreneur my income equals the revenue (as I have no employees or expenses) minus taxes at the below rates? Is this correct or have I totally oversimplified the situation?
This is a profession liberale, you would therefore be paying:
- 22.9% of your turnover towards social charges.
- 0.2% of your turnover towards Contribution à la Formation Professionnelle (CFP), i.e. tax going towards a training fund.
- 2.2% of your turnover towards income tax impot liberatoire. This is an option.