How to close a SARL in France?

· Viewed 2227 times

Can you offer me information on how I would close my société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) business here in France. I am a registered immobiliere and we are specialist in holiday rentals. The ALUR law is potentially threatening to make it very difficult for owners to rent their properties… so I am considering my options.

Currently I have an office and four staff contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI). If I predict a downturn in my turnover (if the above law is implemented) can I close a business for economic reasons (is this logical) or can I simply choose to close the business of my own free will, i.e. is there a beneficial process to close a business - rather than simply close?

I may consider opening my business in UK (as a marketing company for holiday rentals) and operate with independent auto-entrepreneurs in France (freelance cleaners) is this possible - and if so could I rent an office (as base) but the office rental is paid for by the UK company?

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