How to complete CFE 2015 initial declaration form?

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Have received CFE 2015 initial declaration form for completion, with which I am struggling. I am an auto-entrepreneur doing handyman type work in other peoples houses (no employees).

  1. Section A. This is already pre-populated with my name , siret number and activity code. I will sign and date this page.
  2. Section A2. Origine de l’establissement. Do I cross creation d’etablissement or debut d’activite?
  3. Section B1. Renseignements pour l’ensemble de l’entreprise. Presumably I put the date I commenced in business in sub-section 1, ignore 2, 3, 4, 5 as it appears to relate to employees, but I don’t know what I am suppose to put in sub-sections 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11?
  4. Section B2. Renseignements pour l’etablissement.  Do I just complete sub-section 1. (zero), and leave the rest of it blank? I’m not sure what section 4 means and/or whether I need to complete this.
  5. Section C. Biens du nouvel etablissement passibles d’une taxe fonciere. I work in other peoples homes and don’t have any other office so what do I have to complete?
  6. Section D. exonerations et abattement. Presumably I don’t have any so will leave blank?

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