How to complete Declaration Commune des Revenus des professions independantes 2011?
My husband is a carpenter and registered as a Micro-entreprise and I am a conjoint-collaborateur. I have completed the above form for a few years but am wondering if I have been doing this correctly due to the additional cotasations we paid at the end of 2011 based on our 2010 earnings. The amount of cotisation for 2010 was 4121 euros on 12174 euros of earnings. Our situation is simple. In 2011 we only charged for labour, I understand that the total amount without any deductions goes in section 1-1, box CD (presentation de services). Is this correct?
I then thought that the only other section to complete was Section 2 Cotisations sociales obligatoires (calcul CSG et CRDS), which is in red on form. I don’t know what figure should go in here. I have also received a letter from RSI called Attestation Part Deductible de CSG which it states is to be used in completing the declaration.
Your advice would be much appreciated, to confirm if I am putting the correct figure in section 1-1 and how to complete section 2.