How to downsize my chambres d’hotes business?

· Viewed 1710 times

I have been operating a chambres d’hotes business in France since 2009 under the auto entrepreneur scheme. I have just turned 65 and am looking for the most tax efficient way to continue for another two or three years on a part-time basis and avoid paying cotisations.

On another website I’ve learned that if we reduce our activity to below the Revenue de Patrimoine we will fall below the threshold required to register as a business. I believe the figure for July 2015 was 16,810 (12 x BMAF (Base Mensuelle de calcul des Allocations Familiales) of 406.21 = 4,875 net ; 4,875 /.29 = 16,810.

Then, to ensure that the chambres d’hotes revenue is less than 50% of total revenue we would:

  • Take a pension income
  • Rent out our main residence during the summer (Location Meuble Non Profess.)
  1. Can you please confirm that this approach would be correct?
  2. Can you also confirm that the chambres d’hotes income required to fall below 50% is the net figure of 4,875 euros?
  3. Can you offer any suggestion to improve on this plan?
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