How to file automated payouts without invoice

· Viewed 596 times

I think this has been covered elsewhere in bits and pieces but it’s not yet totally clear to me. At the moment it’s just exploratory small sums but a the planned shift from focusing more on self-initiated projcets instead of work for clients, I’ll work on increasing them.

How would I properly account for automated payouts from online platforms (be it App Stores, Ko-Fi, Patreon, or other Merchant of Records, ..) as a micro-entrepreneur?

a) Do I have to write an incoive for it, even if it just for the books (as the client - in most, but not all, cases a non-EU platform - does not request it)?

b) When would I account for it? When it hit’s the payment gateway (stripe or paypal) or when it’s payed out from there to my bank account?

c) What’s the sum I would account for or declare in case it goes conversions and/or other fees? (I understand I cannot deduct expensed as a micro-entrepreneur, but these fees never touched my bank account either)


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