How to find personal investment/financial advisor in France?

· Viewed 237 times

Dear Valerie, I understand this maybe outside the scope of the forums as may go outside AE/Business advice. Please remove it if necessary and apologize in advance.

We were introduced to two people in the name of personal wealth advisors who both sold us on investment programs with high management fees. (actively managed mutual funds). We also found that they get considerable commissions on these (which they didn’t reveal to us)

Of course, I wasn’t as educated with investment options before and now I find that index funds (passively managed with relatively very low % for fees) are the best investment. So we are going to be doing that via Degiro.

We also bought a house with a loan from CA bank (La Reunion) who sold us on so many addon services which seem to eat up our wealth inspite of us trying hard to keep it viable it via Airbnb as an investment.

We don’t want to trust anyone who will sell us on a commission based program anymore. Are there wealth advisors who will just take an hourly fee and suggest us options that are truly beneficial to us.

- Is Degiro the best option?
- We also invest in PER (which apparently saves taxes, but also takes commissions I assume). Can we do this ourselves via any online services with low fees?
- How do we stop unnecessary addons, fees with our bank? They also charged us so much in terms of penalty just because we had money in our joint account and not in personal account (from where we used our cards). This just seems like theft, as the accounts are literally linked!

We want someone in France (or La Reunion specifically) who knows how to navigate these things to advice us. How should we find this person and how much would it cost us?

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