How to recover non payment from an auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1464 times

I am registered as an auto-entrepreneur and I have been working for another auto-entrepreneur. Our working relationship consisted of him giving me a certain amount of work or hours per month and an agreed monthly salary payment with the condition that I only work for him. I would then declare this and pay my own taxes. For one year this worked quite well, however, since December, he has made no contact with me, unanswered all emails, phone calls etc, and left me with no idea as to what’s going on. He also now owes me two months salary. I have threatened him with Ursaaf and droit de travaille, but still no payment. I have been told to contact tribunal d’instance to make a claim in court that he owes me this money and that he has not been paying tax for my employment. What is your advice?

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