How to stop or pause an EURL activity in France

· Viewed 1278 times

My husband formed an EURL in France (coffee roasting business ) in November 2017.  The company has not shown a profit, and he obtained an extension of the tax period to include November 2017-December 2018, so has not yet filed tax forms (but did file VAT and has paid into RSI). 

He will be returning to the US, and will not be conducting ongoing activities in France (although, if at all possible, he would like to be able to perhaps continue /recommence operations at some point in the future).  He would like to know how he needs to go about wrapping up the business, and the steps he needs to take (including ceasing tax and RSI obligations).  He would also like to know if it is possible to hold the business in suspension (inactive) and what that would look like in terms of requirements, reporting, tax, RSI,

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