How to word a letter for an unpaid invoice?

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I have not been paid for a sejour linguistique. The client was invoiced on 27 November and the invoice was to be paid by an agency (I received a letter of confirmation that the agency would be paying the invoice). I did note on the facture:

Le montant des pénalités en cas de retard : sachez que depuis le 1er Janvier 2013, la facture doit également 30 jours avant le date de cette facture Indemnité forfaitaire pour frais de recouvrement due en cas de retard de paiement, conformément à l’article 121-II de la loi n° 2012-387 du 22 mars 2012 (le montant est fixée à 40€ par le décret n° 2012-1115 du 2 octobre 2012).

I am now in the process of writing to the agency to ask for the payment to be made.

  1. Is there a specific wording I should use in this letter?
  2. Do I send an amended facture with the penalties applied?
  3. Do I need to give a set date when the payment needs to be received?
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