I have finally got into the system

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I don’t need advice but thought I would let you know that I have finally got into the system, after trying since last October. The complication seems to have been that I spent over 20 years as a gerant of an SARL. Then I moved back to the UK for three years before coming back to France as an auto-entrepreneur. At first I was blocked by the URSSAF. This turned out to be a problem with the INSEE. By the time it was sorted out, it was January. But then I heard nothing from RSI. People with experience told me to be patient as the RSI was overloaded with work. But after four months without news, I went up to Montpellier to see them. There I was told that they had no knowledge of me and that URSSAF had not notified them about me.

I went back to URSSAF in Perpignan, got the required form and sent it to RSI myself. And then waited and waited and waited. Eventually, I went back up to Montpellier to see what was happening. Again I was told that they had no knowledge of me and that the URSSAF had not notified them. When I pointed out that I had sent the form myself, they took a few photocopies and promised to look into it. And now three weeks later I am in the system. All that hard work just to earn the right to pay them money grin

Three lessons

  1. Don’t give up. Try, try and try again.
  2. Go see people. You will get much more action than if you do everything by mail or Internet.
  3. Be calm, polite, friendly when you go. It is not the receptionist’s fault.
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