Impact on family taxes this year

· Viewed 1745 times

I started as auto-entrepreneur last June and I wanted to know what impact it has on our joint taxes. We moved here from Ireland although we are not expats, we pay social insurance in Ireland, last year our total taxes excluding habitation was about €3.5k and that was with me not working and 2 children. I haven’t made a lot of money with one thing and another but I have declared each period and paid each quarter. I noticed that when I paid online it said I hadn’t signed up for income taxes so I am not sure where we stand.

  1. How do I know how much to pay and where it goes on the form as my husbands company accountants fill out his form and they won’t do mine, do I get a separate one?
  2. I am afraid that the additional tax could work out about €20k, can you give me an idea of how much extra we would have to pay?
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