Impots payment query

· Viewed 573 times

I have two payments being taken from my account by DGFIP:

1) a monthly payment, spread over 4 months which is referenced SOLDE IMPOT REVENUS 2021
2) a monthly payment, spread over 12 months which is referenced PRELEVEMENT A LA SOURCE REVENUS 2022

I understand that payment 1 is the tax I owe based on my 2021 return but I don’t understand why payment 2 is being taken from me. Confusingly, the total amount due for the Impot and the Prelevement a la Source payments is the same. I am an autoentrepreneur but also worked on a CDD for a few months in 2021.

Please can you explain the Prelevement a la Source payment and why I might be having to pay it?

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