Impots, social charges and UK bank account

· Viewed 1221 times

The services that I offer includes the maintenance and repair of software that I have supplied.

  1. Can you advise me to whether my business is classed as a service or a Professional service with relation to income tax (impots)?
  2. When calculating my social charges and impots do I include my UK teachers pension (£7,500)?
  3. On invoices can I use a trade name and do I need to register this?
  4. I want to do the following, please tell me if it is allowed: Open a French bank account put in 20,000 euros (to cover future taxes etc) Invoice my clients in GBP with equivalent Euros clearly stated. Clients pay into a UK bank account that only contains my teachers pension and business income) Leave all payments in the UK bank. (transferring to France as and when required) Pay taxes, social charges etc from French bank containing the 20,000 Euros
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