Income in France as auto-entrepreneur and income as self-employed contractor from the U.S.

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I receive contract income for services from U.S. companies and must pay my SS taxes there on my income by law. I registered as an auto-entrepreneur here in France where I reside and will start paying taxes/SS this fall. I claimed my income w/ my husband last yr for taxes as advised by the Tax office. When I first arrived here the SS office said that I didnt pay SS charges so no benefits so I had med ins for my first year here. They never said anything about paying SS charges on my US income.

I read an expat consultant website yesterday that said receiving US income while a resident in France and not paying SS charges was illegal and that I had to set up a SARL in the US to be legal but I get no french medical/retirement benefits from my US income so why? I get my medical bens from auto-entrepreneur. SARL taxes are so high that I could not afford to live if I had to pay them. If that is the case I would have to move back to the US without my husband.

I have two more years to get my 10 year Carte de Sejour at which point I could spend six moths per year (with my husband since he retires in 2 years) in the US and become a US resident, ending the tax liability on my US income in France. But by losing my resident status will I also lose my auto-entrepreneur status and my medical benefits? I want to work 6mos/yr in france as a teacher and photographer as an auto-entrepreneur. Could I also lose my resident carte de sejour by being a US resident instead of a france resident? Perhaps I need a phone appt with you?

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