Income tax status confirmation

· Viewed 821 times

I am wondering if you could help me confirm my income tax status.  I started my micro-enterprise about 6 months ago.  I’ve registered, received my siret, got my carte vitale, and I’m paying my social contributions each quarter via  However, I foolishly overlooked opening the account for the business at until now (I’m just waiting for the activation code sent in the post).  After reading about the micro-social way of paying income tax and the regime de base, I’m just slightly concerned that I may have missed some income tax payments with this oversight as I’m unsure of my income tax status. 

My income tax doesn’t seem to be deducted at source when I pay my social contributions via and Prélèvement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu d’immatriculation is set to non. 

One letter lists my BNC regime as ‘regime special des benefices non comerciaux Numero (ROF): BNC1’

Does this confirm that I will be paying my income on a yearly basis regime de base style via and thus when I finally activate the account I won’t have missed monthly or quarterly income payments?  Or is there the possibility I may have some making up to do.

Sorry for the long-winded question and thanks for any help.

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