Incorrect allocation to RSI instead of URSSAF

Super Sec
· Viewed 2032 times

I registered my auto-entrepreneur business as Activités Libérales under NAF code 8211Z (Services administratifs combinés de bureau) and chose RAM. Professions Libérales Provinces No. 1811 as my assurance maladie organisme. However I have now received a ‘Notification d’immatriculation’ from RSI which gives my assurance maladie organisme as RAM. de Midi Pyrénées. I am pretty certain this is a mistake as I should be registered with URSSAF for Professions Libérales? Should I go directly to RSI to sort this out or is there anything else I should do? I just want to be sure I go to the right place to start with.

It is particularly important that I get the correct assurance maladie organisme set up as I recently had to go for some hospital treatment and my Carte Vitale did not work so I had to pay in full and need to send the Feuilles de Soins to the correct place for reimbursement as well as sort out my CV problem.

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