Instructing accountant to start EURL?

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Do you have an idea when your next installment on leaving an Auto-entrepreneur will be out? I have to make this decision within the next few days as my turnover for sales will hit the TVA limit by the end of the month.

I had decided to go for an EURL and employ my wife, rather than a joint SARL, because we are in a regeneration zone and the exonerations for employees social charges and especially on company profit seemed attractive. But now I find that if you want to close the company within effectively 13 years the exonerations need to be repaid. Furthermore, I have had the Devis in from the accountant and lawyer and it’s getting rather scary. Coupled with the fact that I can’t even do all the activities I want to within the same company structure, so having made the decision to go with the new company. I was going to instruct the accountant and lawyer tomorrow, I’ve now suddenly got cold feet.

My gut feeling now is to go regime reel for the rest of the year and take a view on an EURL or Sarl for the start of next year. In this case can I assume I am right in thinking that while I will still need no formal accounts for social charges this year, as I continue to pay a flat 12.1%. I will need to start a full accounting regime for TVA from the moment I start charging it. As a matter of interest do you know if I would have to pay fixed AE cotisations on the TVA I charge for the rest of the year. i.e. a further 12.1% of the 19.6%.

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