Insurance for CDD English teacher in France?
I am a qualified English teacher and have set up an Auto-Entrepreneur business here in France offering lessons to individuals and companies. Do I need some insurance and if so what type?
I work self employed but also have some employed contrat à durée déterminée (CDD) contract work throughout the year, do I declare all at the end of the year on the same Impot form, will the form come automatically or will I have a form for my ‘employed’ work and another for my self employed work? I’ve only just started earning some money from my business, when and how do I make social payments?
I previously worked full time with a contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI) contract and have paid into the French social system and have a carte vitale. My husband is English and living permanently in France with me. We’ve tried to get him on my carte vitale, they have given him a number but won’t issue a card or reimburse saying because he worked originally when we arrived in France for a UK company (who paid UK social charges), but company is based in France. He has also registered as an Auto-entrepreneur and started advertising for work, will he receive a card once he starts paying into French social system?