Invoicing a company outside of France

English Teacher
· Viewed 885 times

Hi Valerie,

I hope you are keeping well.

A few weeks ago, I had asked for the details that would need to be put on a business to business invoice, and you kindly gave me this link on compulsory mentions on invoices.

I’m a bit confused because the companies I am invoicing are all international (no headquarters in France).  So I’m confused about the section which talks about the buyer’s identity, in particular:

1. ‘Name of a company followed by the Siren or Siret number (except for natural persons)’ - the companies don’t have a siren or siret because they are not in France.  What should I do here?
2. ‘If the company is a company, mention of the legal form (EURL, SARL, SA, SNC, SAS) and the amount of the share capital’ - again, this is difficult because the companies are not in France and are therefore not in French legal form.  What should I do?
*Do I have to add the business number of the company?

3.  ‘Number RCS for a merchant, followed by the name of the town where the registry office is located’ - I’m guessing this isn’t applicable if the buyer provides services (English lessons)?  Please confirm
4. ‘Number in the Register of crafts for a craftsman (Siren + RM number + registration department number)’ - same as number 3 - am I correct in thinking this isn’t applicable?

5. ‘Purchase Order Number, where it has been previously established by the buyer’ - please clarify what this is

6. ‘VAT identification number the seller and the professional customer, only if the latter is liable for VAT (reversal) - Except for invoices of a total amount HT less than or equal to €150.’
The invoices will be over 150 euros.  But please kindly confirm that I have understood correctly that this isn’t applicable.  The buyer is not in France and there are no goods being sold (just the provision of English teaching services online).

On this subject, are there any websites you can guide me to which talk about the invoice requirements when you are invoicing businesses outside of France?


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