Is a devis obligatory ?

· Viewed 413 times

I’m very confused, and I hope you can help!

Is a devis obligatory for the provision of a one-off pet-sitting service? i.e. a service of fixed duration (say 5 days), where I stay in the home of the pet-owners while they are away, in order to take care of their animals

I have tried to find the answer online, however I am not sure if I am looking at the correct information.  I see that a devis is obligatory for the provision of personal services for which the monthly charge is €100 or greater.

The word ‘monthly’ is what is confusing me the most - is a one-off pet sit a monthly activity if the duration is not greater than a month ?

Or have I fallen into a French-to-English translation trap !! 

Does the information I’ve found online refer to ‘within the period of a month’ rather than ‘monthly’?  For example, if I do a pet sit for just 5 days from 10-14 July, although it is a one-off job (i.e. I’m not doing it again in August), if the total charge for that job in July is more than €100 a devis is required?

Thank you, Valerie

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