Is DGFiP asking for a check on my identity a scam?

Red Knight
· Viewed 1632 times

I received a letter from the direction générale des finances publiques (DGFiP) in France apparently from Nemours asking me to verify on a pre-filled form my name, date and place of birth. Additional information that is not pre-filled I need to provide is my gender and social security number. My wife has not received one, only me.

  1. We have both run a small bed and breakfast and campsite though the business is registered as my wife’s only under auto-entrepreneur scheme. Is this request legitimate or could this be a scam and someone wanting my identity? one of the reasons given for this check is for them to be up to date with my details in the light of notamment dans la perpective de la retenue a la source de l’impot prevue a partir de 2018.
  2. What does this mean?
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