Is it possible to modify a registration for an auto-entrepreneur / conjoint collaborateur business?

· Viewed 1229 times

I would like to use your auto-entrepreneur business registration service in France for my wife and I’s chambre d’hotes business. From using the tools you provided and researching more into the subject, it appears that registering my wife for a full contribution and validating four pension quarters, the social charges appear quite high.

We are aiming to make around 12,000 euros in the first year, which would valid two pension quarters for myself. Is it possible for you to register our business with my wife as conjoint collaborateur with the social contributions being Moitié du revenu du chef d’entreprise, thereby also validating two pension quarters?

As I understand it, we can contact régime social des indépendants (RSI) by 1 December in order to change my wife’s contribution levels for next year when we can make full use of the calendar year and full turnover limits.

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