Is my business activity commercial or professional?

· Viewed 1777 times

I have registered at the Chambres de Commerce as a chambres d’hotes and sejours linguistiques under auto-entrepreneur. I was told this was a commercial activity and would qualify for the 81% abatement on earnings and the 15% cotisation charges.

I have received a letter from Impots requesting information. The letter is entitled creation de votre activite professionnelle. The letter quotes my siret and code as 55.20Z but lists me under forme juridique as profession libérale (code 1500) is this correct?

Under the section Vos Obligations Fiscales it lists BIC MICRO, TVA - taxe sur la valeur ajoutée RFB franchise en base etc. there is no mention of auto-entrepreneur. There is a form to complete asking for metres squared used for Professionnel, Industriel, Commercial and d’habitation, I thought I would just be filling in commercial - bed and breakfast rooms. Is habitation our own bedrooms, kitchen etc.?

An additional question asks whether we have opted for a versement liberatoire at the chambre de commerce and the chambre de industrie. I thought we only had to register at the Chambre de Commerce ?

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