Is regime special BNC right for a pottery business?

· Viewed 1832 times

I am ceramiste. I came to France around year ago and I want to open my small business making and selling my pottery via Internet. I read a lot of guides how to create your company in France and of course your blog. Ceramist is proffession liberale. I called Urssaf and they told me to register online by I read on your blog that proffesion liberale can’t be auto-entrepreneur. I also found something like that on lautoentrepreneur:

Si votre activité libérale dépend du régime vieillesse de la CIPAV (I found that ceramiste belong to CIPAV), vous pouvez bénéficier du régime auto entrepreneur seulement si vous êtes créateur depuis le 1er janvier 2009 et que vous relevez du régime fiscal de la micro entreprise (régime spécial BNC)

What is this regime special BNC then? Can I stay auto-entrepreneur and paying like regime reel simplifie or it’s becoming more complicated? I also don’t want to be TVA registered. What would be the best for me?

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