Is there a minimum income required to be eligible for health care?
Jester Wester
· Viewed 1470 times
I first registered as an auto-entrepreneur business back in 2011 and worked as an English teacher in France. I applied for my carte vitale and also for my husband as my dependant. I then took a full time job with a contrat à durée déterminée (CDD) for two years, but continued with a small amount of teaching to keep my auto-entrepreneur business active.
During this time I effectively paid social charges not only through régime social des indépendants (RSI) but also through my salaried income. When my CDD ended I reverted to receiving my sole income through my auto-entrepreneur business and my annual income is now significantly lower.
- How long is my carte vitale healthcare valid for?
- Do I have to receive a minimum income, e.g. pay a minimum amount to the French government to keep my carte vitale?