Is there a minimum turnover as an micro-entrepreneur to get health cover?
· Viewed 1796 times
- As our business has only just been registered, we expect sales to grow slowly over the next year. I am concerned that we may not get our health cover during the months when the business is still growing and sales are low. Is there a minimum turnover we need to achieve?
- Regarding my last question... we sell a breathing exercise device and want to know if we have to register with the chambre de commerce et d’industrie (CCI), chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat (CMA) and Greffe?
- We will be doing some PayPal sales and note that we have to include the PayPal fees in the turnover figures, but how do we account for the Paypal sales in our records? We would expect to transfer the paypal sales in block lumps at the end of a week or month, do they need separating as individual sales in our records and do we need an invoice for each one?