Is there a separate form to complete for CFE?

· Viewed 347 times

I set up my auto-entrepreneur in 2021. I’m struggling to understand the process for CFE.

I’m usually good at keeping track of everything but the process for CFE has confused me and I’ve seen something on here which makes me wonder if I’ve missed something.
I have gone into my Impots account and checked my professional account and done the stage where I check my CFE (under -Consulter and ‘-AVis CFE’. There is a bill there for 2023 for €0 (nothing!) - as in I never had anything to pay for 2023 (I can’t see anything for 2022 either)

But having looked on here at previous posts it looks like there might be a form to complete which I don’t remember completing.
I have evidently linked my SIRET account to my personal Impots page (as I can see the ‘Avis CFE for my AE), but I can’t work out if there’s another stage I need to have completed?

For reference:
- I earned more than €5000 in 2022 and 2023
- I work from home (in the 93rd dep) but my business is registered at a domicilliation address in Paris (75001)
Is there a separate form I should have filled out?
Many thanks

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