Is there any type of legal assistance available for a problem with a EURL and taking legal action?

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I contacted you in November of 2016 regarding the start of this situation. My nightmare continues.

I started my business in France registered as an EURL and at one point became an auto entrepreneur practicing the same activity. There was an overlap due to various administrative problems. I thought that they had been resolved and the EURL had been closed by my previous accounting firm. Around November of 2016 I paid fees to dissolve the firm to my accounting firm, legal department of the firm, the tresor publique, the greffe, a legal announcement published in a journal etc. and completed various examplaires, un liasse M2.

I received a declaration of radiation M4 last July and confirmation from my accounting firm that the EURL was closed. I have always completed any document that was required immediately, paid monthly fees to the accounting firm and even was issued a credit by the firm for overpayment due to the overlap.

Last April I visited my tax office in Paris and was told that I was missing a document and that my EURL was still appearing as opened. I contacted my accountant, sent the M4 to the tax office and never received any bills from the tax office after that. In Feb. of 2018 I received a letter of relance bill (the first I never received) again contacted the tax office and was told that the EURL was not closed and to contact the center of formalities. They checked on the greffe website using my EURL SIRET and I don’t exist!

My prior accounting firm is not returning any of my calls or emails. My original accountant is not responding. (Accounting firm #2 took over my dossier when the woman that was in charge of my original dossier moved from accounting firm #1 to firm #2). In this mess I believe that the original accountant never filed the paperwork properly I was never issued a K-Bis.

When I started my business I was naive and didn’t speak much french, so sent him any paperwork and information that I received assuming that he would do his job. I have a long paper trail of emails to the firms and a letter from the greffe stating that they were missing documents years ago along with proof that I faxed them to my first accountant years ago. The tax office in Paris has put a hold on my dossier for the moment and I have provided them with my attempted contacts to the accounting firm.

At this point I don’t know where to turn or how to have this problem resolved if no one is responding. I would like to know if there is any legal assistance available in dealing with this very messy and stressful situation and am considering taking legal action against these firms and need to have full closure of the EURL.

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