Just found out I needed to do DES declarations - retrospective action

· Viewed 658 times

I am a micro enterprise and have kept an eye on my TVA threshold for Services. I now need to apply for a TVA number. Unfortunately my main client is in another EU country, and I was not aware that I needed to make DES declarations monthly even though I was below the TVA threshold (therefore needed an Intracommunautaire TVA number sooner).
Firstly who is it usual to go to with this discovery to correct it? My local SIE or Customs who look after the DES declarations? I was always in the Franchise en base category during this period. I cannot be the first person to miss this, I am hoping there is a well worn path to rectify this!
My local SIE has asked me to write in to request a change of franchise before submitting a form confirming the reason for requesting the Intracommunautaire number i.e. selling services to another EU country. Does this sound correct, or is it more usual to request an Intracommunitaire TVA number first purely on the basis of selling services to an EU client and then declare TVA? Very confused!
Thank you

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