KBIS & insurance
· Viewed 779 times
I submitted my micro-entreprise request 22 Sep online via URSSAF*, for selling Apps on the App store. I called again this week after still receiving nothing and was told this time that it had gone to the wrong area & they would sort it out - so I need to continue to wait. Meanwhile, they also confirmed that selling an app is activité commerciale after all, not profession liberale.
- Does this mean I will get a KBIS instead of an INSEE certificate?
- Do I need to do any additional steps/registrations because it’s activité commerciale?
- Do I need some kind of professional insurance for selling an app on the app store?
- I already had a social security number before I applied (which I declared on the application). Does this mean I should NOT expect any paperwork from CPAM, and I will NOT get another social security number?
Thank you
* based on this link, it looks you can register an activité commercial via URSSAF - so I’m hoping URSSAF can sort it out, even though I registered via URSSAF thinking I was profession liberale: