Keeping it simple - Gite business in France

· Viewed 1179 times

My wife and I have recently moved to France we intend to run a gite business and a BB.
The situation is :

  • We currently have one house (separate location) that we will rent out for holidays and hope to attract long term winter lets - If no winter lets then this will not start generating an income until the summer.
  • We have two other properties (next door to each other on one site) one currently under renovation and complete. It is our intention to let one for holidays and the other we shall use for BB. Again we do not believe they will be generating an income until the summer . We also intend to offer evening meals if possible.

We wish to receive health cover and get in the French system ASAP to prove residency

So my question is :

  1. Using the approach above can we set up two auto entrepreneur business? and pay social charges?
  2. If we do not start to earn until the summer of 2019 do we still have to pay social charges (we have savings from selling our UK business to live on and renovate the property) each month or only when we earn?

Not expecting to make a lot of money for the first couple of years.
Hope this makes sense.

Any help appreciated.

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