Leaving France

· Viewed 757 times

Hello Valerie,

I’m moving back to the UK at the end of this month (and possibly returning to France in 2022 so I don’t want to do anything too definitive if I don’t need to… Life in the time of COVID!)

I’m French and British and am registered as AE in France at the moment. I’m currently in the UK and would like to avoid travelling back to Paris in the current conditions.

I’m trying to figure out what I need to do with regards to admin. I’m assuming that as far as government institutions are concerned, it’s URSSAF, Impots and CPAM that I will need to deal with.

Do you know if I can cancel my AE status online? Do I need to write a letter to my local Impots? Do I need to notify CPAM? I don’t know if there’s anything else I’ve left out.

Thank you very much and sorry for sending so many questions at once!

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