Letter from URSSAF

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Our friend received the following from URSSAF on 13 March but has had no joy contacting them, and when she went to CPAM with it they told her it was not their problem. It is not anything we have seen before so we cant help her directly. Can you give us any guidance that we can pass on?

Suite aux informations fournies, votre compte au Regime General de Securite Sociale sous condtion de Residence (CMU), Numero (removed) est radie avec effet du 31/12/11. Si cette radiation a ete prononcee a tort, je vous serais oblige de bien vouloir me le faire connaitre dans les meilleurs delais. Veuillez Agreer etc. Le Directeur. *La presente notification ne fait pas echec au recouvrement des sommes eventuellement dues, sans prejudice de verification ulterieures.

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