Letters recieved for Prevoyance Obligatoire?
· Viewed 1638 times
I have recieved two letters, one apart from the same company (AG2R), basically stating that even though I don’t have any salaries, that I have an l’obligation d’adhérer, dès sa création, à un régime de retraite complémentaire des salariés, même si vous n’employer pas de personnel. Also that I have des obligations de protection sociale, même savez vous que vous avez pas encore de salariés.
So in my confusion, I’ve registered as an Auto-Entrepreneur, opted for the micro enterprise and I going to pay my tax’s and social charges on my turnover. But now I have to register and select what apparently are obligatory & complimentry top ups on Social Protection and Pensions for staff I don’t have.?How can something be complementary and obligatory?