Licence needed to serve non-alcoholic drinks in France?

· Viewed 1552 times

I’m looking at starting a chambre d’hotes business in France and have a question about serving tea and coffee etc. at breakfast. Having found a lot of contradictory information about taking courses, paying for a licence, receiving a licence for free etc. I came across this:

Si la prestation de table d’hôtes propose des boissons alcoolisées, l’exploitant doit être titulaire d’une licence de restaurant ou de débit de boissons. La vente de boissons sans alcool est libre et non soumise à licence. L’article L. 3332-1-1 du code de la santé publique vous impose de suivre une formation relative au service des boissons alcoolisées.

Is it therefore the current regulations that no extra steps / training / licence be required to serve solely non-alcoholic drinks at a chambre d’hotes?

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