LMNP gite registration

· Viewed 787 times

We are pre-retirees who moved to France in December 2020.  We have been renting out a small gite on our property since May 2021.  The gite rental is seasonal between May and September.
Our gite is registered with the Mairie but is not classified with Atout France. We have declared our earnings from the gite on our personal tax return in 2022 and 2023 as LMNP.  Our earnings from the gite are around 10000 euros each year and are unlikely to go above that.  Our only other form of income is my local government pension (approx. 12000 euros per year).
We now realise that we are required to have a Siret number and be registered as LMNP via INPI.
I hope this is something you can help with. I have created an account on the INPI website (in my husbands name) and think I have managed to complete the online form up to the stage of adding documents.  I just wanted to ask for a little clarification on some of the questions on the form before going ahead and actually creating a business.

a) Nature of business creation:
Kind of Enterprise - I have selected Natural Person
Are you a micro-contractor – I have selected No (I wasn’t sure what a micro-contractor actually is)

b) Social Security:
We have residency based health cover via CPAM so I added my husbands social security number and selected Regime Generale for the health insurance body.
For Spouse – I chose Aucun. I wasn’t sure if it should be Collaborateur?

c) Business address:
Does the entrepreneur wish to associate the address of his company with his establishment – I selected Yes
d) Insaisissabilite:
S’agit-il d’une déclaration de renonciation à l’insaisissabilité sur la résidence principale ? – I selected No

e) Establishment description :
I am confused about this.  The gite is on the same plot as our main residence but it is a separate building.  It doesn’t have its own water or electricity supply, both come from the main house.  On our tax fonciere bill and the Bien Immobiliers property return our main residence is No.4 La Mxxxxxxxxx but the gite is mentioned separately and is 5569 La Mxxxxxxxxx. There are only 11 other houses in the hamlet!
Would I put 5569 in the address line or add it into the additional address information section?

f) Description of the activity:
Start date – 1st May 2021 as this was when we started renting the gite out. Would 1st January 2021 be a better date, as the beginning of the financial year?
Exercise of Activity –  I selected Saisonniere (however, would it be better to go with Pemanente?  I have heard if you can’t prove that a maison secondaire is not used by you personally you can end up being liable for both CFE and Taxe d’Habitation)
Period start and end dates – 1st May and 30th September (if Saisonniere)
4 categories of Activity:
Activities de Services / Location / Location de bien immobiliers / Loueur en meuble non professional

g) Tax Options :
Profit tax regime – Micro BIC
TVA Tax regime – Franchise en base TVA
VAT liability/Quarterly Declarations - No
Closing date of financial year – 31st December

Finally, do you think there are likely to be repercussions from Impots with the regard to the fact we haven’t registered via INPI before?
Sorry, for so many questions in one go.

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