Looking for some help to create the ‘financial plan’ part of business plan
I’m still working on my business plan of opening a children’s play café in Paris and I need someone to help me with the financial plan part. I would need help to create the:
- estimation of initial costs
- financial forecast
- balance sheet
- cash flow statement
(I still don’t have numbers around things like: how large of a venue I would need and how much that would cost - I am working on that…)
Do you know what else I need to include in the plan to be able to take it to approach banks/ investors? What kind of professional would you advise me to look for to help me with this? An accountant? Business strategist? Business student?
You mentioned EPCRE/ ANPE in this post: http://www.startbusinessinfrance.com/blog/post/financial-and-social-help-to-start-your-business-in-france , could they help with the creating financial plan part?
Thank you