l’option pour le prélèvement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu?

· Viewed 1815 times

Although I appreciate you are a business advisor rather than a tax advisor I wonder whether you have any advice on whether or not to opt for l’option pour le prélèvement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenu, or can point me in the right direction?

With my own business registered just over a year ago in France I was advised it wasn’t worth choosing this option because we weren’t currently liable for income tax. I was told I would be paying a tax that I wouldn’t have the right to claim back later if we were below the tax threshold. It may change slightly once my husband’s auto-entrepreneur is fully up and running but for 2012 I don’t think we will have a tax obligation.

I understand this option has repercussions ref the CET ex taxe professionelle? Hence my hesitation otherwise I am inclined to not opt for this option and come back to it later when I am better informed, if indeed that is do-able!

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