Ltd company UK and AE France

· Viewed 982 times

I have had a photography studio in the UK since 2000 doing portrait and wedding photography. In 2010 I sold the portait side of my business and moved to France. I continued to travel to the UK to be a wedding photographer. I have wedding albums etc on display at the studio and sign above showing my name and contact details etc. I paid tax in the UK and declare income in France. Slowly I started taking on weddings in France for UK couples. I set up as an AE in 2013 and declared wedding in France for French and non UK couples (American Chinese etc). I am now in a position where 85% of my business is UK couples coming to France for their wedding. This year for the first time I have not done any weddings in the UK. I have met couples in the UK to discuss their plans etc but their weddings have been in France.  I at present declare this income thru my studio in the UK (using a UK accountant) and invoice using that UK address in sterling. I pay the trimester charges on my AE for the non UK weddings ( I have a French business account) and declare global income on my French tax return. My question is this all ok and legal? My UK accountant says yes but it is a concern to me. Thank you

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