Maison and Fonds Commerce - Two Separate prices or one purchase?

· Viewed 1310 times

I am purchasing a house near Uzès which is being run as a chambres d’hotes. I intend to continue running it as a chambres chez l’habitants.

The seller and I have agreed on a price which is global - the total which includes the house as well as the fond commerce. Our idea was to include the details such as use of website, clientele contacts etc in the compromise de vente.

When I met the notaire, she informed me that it was better for me to buy the fonds de commerce and the maison separately, so as to not have a reassessment. I have asked several experts and nobody seems to give me a definitive answer.

I would obviously like to pay just one price because I assume that this will also lower my fees to the notaire and also because eventually we will set up auto-entrepreneur regime and not the one being used by the current owner.

Could you please tell me if I MUST buy separately the fonds commerce of chambres d’hote from the maison or can it be included in one prix global. What are the advantages / disadvantages?

Thank you!


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