Making out and sending a business check to URSSAF in France?

· Viewed 1845 times

I am getting ready to mail out my first declaration trimestrielle de recettes for my business registered in France. I have a checkbook with my name only on the account to use for this purpose. To what agency should I make the check payable - is writing URSSAF (Unions de Recouvrement des Cotisations de Sécurité Sociale et d’Allocations Familiales) sufficient, or URSSAF Ile de France?

The address given at the bottom of my declaration is:

URSSAF Ile de France
TSA 20013
93517 Montreuil Cedex

Is there any special letter rate or service I should use to post the check and déclaration (lettre verte, recommandée, or otherwise?), or is regular post just fine?

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