Making the payments

· Viewed 1649 times

Hi Valerie.  I have been following the forum with great interest.  Something new each day!  Can you help with the following.

I have successfully registered and have my SIRET number and am registered as 8130Z Services d’amenagement paysager (garden maintenance).  I registered with RAM and have been to their offices as I have not yet had a provisional social security number or received a carte vital after registering back in March.  They asked for a copy of my birth certificate but have still heard nothing - is this normal?

Everything is going well but I am now unsure as to whether I should be paying as an Activites artisanales or Activites Liberales.

Most of the necessary products and equipment are provided by the customer and therefore it’s just my labour to consider.  But recently I have been asked to purchase small items such as weed killer, lawn feed etc.  Do I have to show this seperately or am I best to just ask the customer to pay me directly.  I have recently purchased a new lawn mower which I will be using in the future for my work.  Do I off-set this against my income before tax and charges etc?

Please confirm the amounts of tax and social charges you think I should be paying, only I’m now confused.

Look forward to hearing from you and thank you for this very helpful website.

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