Maternity leave and cessation d’activite non salariee?

· Viewed 1660 times

I have an entreprise individuelle and belong to RSI. My organisme conventionné is la RAM Antilles Guyane (Caribbean). I recently applied for the Allocation de repos maternel and indemnisation journaliere which was denied because they claimed I owed them money, which is not true, but that is another story I need to deal with.

Anyway, shortly after the rejection letter I received another letter, Notification de Situation, telling me I don’t owe them anything. The letter says Radiation a effet du 31.12.10 en raison de votre cessation d’activite non salariee. At first I thought this had to do with the maternity leave but now I start to wonder if someone has cancelled my business by mistake?

I still get reimbursed and they are even processing the application to add my daughter (9 weeks old) to my health insurance because I just got a letter asking for her birth certificate. I did not receive the form from RSI that is supposed to be handed in May 6 and if I go online it says I don’t need to declare anything because of inactivity or something like that. Does this have to do with the maternity leave or do you think I have been mistakenly cancelled? I am really confused here.

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