Medical expenses and carte vitale

· Viewed 1594 times

I still did not received carte vitale, although I have certificate that I am insured with RAM. I have a lot of medical bills and would like to send them off to be re-imburce at least for some of them. In this respect I have some questions:

1. Can I send the bills now and where to I need them to? Do I send copy of the bills or originals? Can they be lost in the system and how to avoid it?

2. We were hospitalized and receive bill for about 2000 Euros. What is reimbursed for the hospitalization and what is not if I do not have extra cover?

3. For some reason my application to accept General Practitioner was refused. How much I will be reimbursed if I do not have assigned GP and with assigned GP?

Thank you very much in advance, Valerie, for the clarification.

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