Menuisier resale of goods?

· Viewed 1627 times

My partner is registered a business as an auto-entrepreneur Travaux de menuiserie bois et PVC in France. At the moment he works by getting the client to buy the materials and then invoices for the labour, unless only a very small amount of materials are needed then this is all invoiced as labour. Is it possible to split an invoice into materials and labour to pay the different social charges? Will he need to add another activity, for the resale of goods or can he do this already through being registered as a menuisier? 

He is also a cabinet maker, I’ve read confusing info about invoicing as an eboniste, which category for social charges would this be in 12% or 21.3%. Can eboniste be added as a secondary activity to his business? We understand the auto-entrepreneur business doesn’t really suit this profession because of the amount of expenses but it is a good way to get started and we will look at other business structures as the business grows.

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