Micro-Bic regime ... perhaps necessary to change ?
I am currently working in Gardens/Trees and have worked under the Micro-Bic regime with a plafond of just over 34,000 euros. I am British and arrived in France nearly 5 years ago, starting the business midway through the first year.
I am hitting the ceiling and can possibly go beyond into 40,000 plus euros a year…
At the moment I believe I get charged MSA payments on 50% of my earnings ....of this 50%, MSA takes approx. 26 % of this, and the rest in tax (14%) .... about 40 % of the 50 %.
If I want to regularly earn 40,000 .... what regime would you recommend?
Unfortunately / or fortunately, I have a couple of other businesses ideas that I am thinking of creating.
I do not have an accountant, but this is something I may need to do in the future.
Thank you for your time .... any help much appreciated.